Today I made cake roll or roll cake and only less than 15 minutes no more cakes left.

Ingredients :
- 6 egg yolks
- 3 white eggs
- 70gr sugar
- 1Tsp emulsifier
- 1Tsp milk powder
- 50gr self raising flour
- 1Tsp water
- 50gr margarine
- 15gr butter
- 1tsp vanilla powder
Filling :
- Butter cream
- cheddar cheese
Directions :
- Melt the margarine and butter with vanilla powder using bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water. Put aside.
- Preheat oven to 180 C.
- In medium bowl beat egg, sugar, emulsifier until fluffy, add water, flour and milk powder, mix well.
- The last stir in melted butter.
- Line a 22 x 22 roll pan with baking paper, pour batter into a cake pan.
- Bake for about 20" or bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
- Remove cake from oven.
- Turn cake onto another prepared baking paper , remove baking paper, trim the cakes edges so they are even.
- Starting with a long side of cake tightly roll up the cake with the paper. Transfer cake to wire rack to cool.
- Unroll cake, Remove the paper and spread whipped topping or whatever you want it ( can be strawberry jam, chocolate, cream butter, with fresh fruits, nuts, cheeses..)... and re-roll cake.
- Cut and place down on a plate.
- in small mixing bowl take a bit of batter and mix with 1tsp cocoa paste / cocoa powder.
- place into pipping bag, make a small cut in one corner for piping.
- Pipe parallel lines of the cocoa mixture on top of the sponge batter. Then use a skewer to draw across the cocoa lines to form pattern.
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