Recipe coming soon....
Directions :
How to make crush :
How to make filling :
To assemble :
and ready to eat......best eat on same day....
Ingredients :
Served with Thai sweet chilli sauce
How to make :
To assemble :
For me ...I adding one more ingredient as the filling. its a rice noodle ( Soak dried rice noodles in hot water until soft, If desired, use scissors to cut long noodles after soaking , so they are easier to eat)
Directions :
How to :
Cara membuat:
Bahan isi :
Cara membuat :
Directions :
Hiyaaaaaaaaa....akhirnya setelah ngidam ngidam kayak kucing mo beranak..kesampaian juga bikin cheese cake secara kalo nungguin laki gua ..sama aja bunuh diri dulu kale guanya...dia mah ngelayap ma teman mulu hehehhe....teskturnya creamy banget...lembut mahoi geboi dah....harusnya sich ngk usah pake biscuit sebagai dasarnya cuma dakunya aja bandel maunya ngk mau rugi jadi ada biscuit nyisa...masukin aja..hahahha...but it's really the best ever cheese cake...termasuk salah satu favorite gua juga loh....I didn’t have any sour cream, and just used plain yogurt instead, biasa tinggalnya di ujung planet sich...jadi aku campur aja cream ama plain yoghurt....still the result was good enough (tapi baiknya memang pake sour cream ya) ini mah gua terpaksa...paksa...paksa...banget soalnya udah mutar sana sini sour creamnya ngumpet semua....ya terpaksa muter kepala mutar otak cari cara biar taste tetap ngk berubah sama sekali...ech dapat ide nambahin cream ma plain yoghurt...hehehe dasar orang iseng kaya gua ini dech...hehehhe.....
Yo..tak ajarin cara bikinnya daripada beli diluar mahal ..mending bikin ndiri ya..lumayan bisa makan buat 2 hari kedepan...wakakakkakkkk... pake loyang bongkar pasang ya ..kira kira muat la ma loyang 7inch gua.....
Buat pelapis gua biasanya pake peach atau mandarin orange bisa juga strawberry....suka suka dech
( tim pelapis yaitu gelatin and juice buahnya sampai warnanya agak transparant gitu dech sampai semua bubuk gelatin kecampur bersih)
Cara buat cheese cake :
Filling :
Directions :
Directions to make pastry :
Filling :
Directions to make custard :
To assemble :
* Simple cut the pastry shells in half and fill or pipe with custard. Dust with icing sugar .
Ingredients :
Directions :
* In the bowl, sift the flour and add the rest of the ingredients then whisk into a smooth batter. On medium low heat a small pan, spray with cooking oil and pour the batter in to make a thin skin, when the surface is done slide the skin on to the plate, becareful the bottom shouldn't be brown and crispy.
Fillings :
Directions :
Directions :
Tips :
If you are using bamboo skewers, soak the bamboo skewers for 30 minutes in water prior to cooking the chicken, so that they do not burn during grilling. Oil the skewers ¾ of the way only, so that you have a place to hold the skewers without greasing your hands.
How to do :
In blender container, combine all ingredients. Cover; blend at medium speed 30 to 60 seconds or until smooth. Serve immediately.
Directions :
Notes :
Method :
1. Stir the honey, mustard and garlic together. Season to taste. ( glaze )
2. Thread the sausages, brocollies, pineapples, potatoes, fish balls, pepper and tomatoes onto wooden skewers. Place on a greased baking tray and brush with the glaze. Cook under a medium-hot grill for 12 to 15 minutes, or until cooked through. Turn halfway through the cooking time to brown both sides.
Cheese Sauce :
Method for sauce :
" Melt butter in small saucepan, remove from heat, blend in corn flour until smooth. Gradually add milk. Return to low heat, stirring constantly until beginning to boil. Add cheese and continue to stir until cheese is melted. remove from heat. Add sugar, salt and pepper."
Filling :
Instruction :