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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rice pudding

Today I made this delicious "Rice Pudding"...finally after I tried so many recipes of rice pudding ...this rice pudding tastes best than others :)
  1. 600ml of fresh milk
  2. 200ml water
  3. 66gr white rice ( rinse with tap water )
  4. 1/8 tsp salt
  5. 60gr sugar
  6. 1tsp vanilla extract
  7. 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
  8. 30 gr raisin


  • simmer in a saucepan the milk, rice and salt over medium heat until the rice tender.
  • Stir frequently the mixture to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of pan.
  • Remove from heat and add sugar, vanilla and cinnamon powder.
  • Place over the heat one more time and cook until the pudding thicken and keep stirring.
  • Remove from heat and add raisin.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chocolate Crinkles Cookies

Another successful story from "JoyOfBaking"...LOL....
I realized not so easy to make these cookies.....I made half recipe ....
Ok here's the recipe

Chocolate Crinkles

Ingredients :

  • 2Tsp unsalted butter
  • 112gr DCC chopped
  • 50gr granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 105gr all purpose flour
  • 1/8 salt
  • 1/4tsp baking powder
  • 50gr confectioners sugar

Directions :

  • Preheat oven to 170C.
  • Whisk together flour, salt and baking powder in a separate bowl.
  • Melt butter and chocolate and put aside.
  • Beat egg and sugar till thick,pale and fluffy.
  • Pour in vanilla and stir in chocolate mixture.
  • Add flour to chocolate mixture, mix well and cover with plactis wrap, refrigate around 4 hours (overnight should be better ).
  • Roll a small amount of chilled dough to form a 1 inch diameter ball. Place the ball of dough into the confectioners sugar and roll the ball in the sugar until it is completely coated .
  • Bake around 8-10 minutes or just until the edges are slightly firm but the centers are still soft.
  • Remove from the oven and transfer to wire rack to cool.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pound Cake

Pound cake ... ehmmm let's say this one of the great desserts. It's very simple, but you can dress it up with peach or strawberry or just make it simple with sprinkle sugar on top of it. It's Perfect for a tea and I really do suggest that you make this the day before you want to serve it. This is a light dessert, sweet without being intensely sweet, and the flavors are very delicate ( add lemon zest to bring out the flavour of lemon in this recipe). I made one loaf to eat the next day (purposely). Believe me the texture was unchanged, however the flavor had matured ...delicious...This recipe from one of my favourite website "joyofbaking".
Pound Cake
Ingredients :
  • 226gr of unsalted butter (I'm using margarine 150gr and shortening 76gr coz out of stock of butter LOL)
  • 200gr castor sugar
  • 230gr of self raising flour ( if you dont have, use 230gr of all purpose flour mix with 2 tsp of baking powder)
  • 1/8tsp of salt ( no need use if you using margarine like me )
  • 4 eggs
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • lemon essence
  • grated lemon zest to bring out the flavour of lemon. ( optional )

Directions :

  1. Preheat oven 177C
  2. Make sure you sift self raising flour twice ( all purpose flour + baking powder), put aside.
  3. In mixing bowl, beat butter until creamy and smooth.
  4. Then gradually add sugar and beating continously ( with medium speed about 5 minutes) untill the texture light in colour and fluffly.
  5. Add egg one at a time, mixing well and add vanilla, lemon essence and grated lemon zest, beat it.
  6. Add flour and mix until incorporated.
  7. Pour batter into greased loaf pan. ( can use 2 pans if you using small loaf pan )...smooth the top of batter.
  8. Bake for 50-60minutes.
  9. Remove and cool on a wire rack about 15minutes, then remove cake from the pan. cool completely. (more better if you serve the next day ).....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bingka Kentang ( Potato Cake )

The recipe is very famous in Indonesia, very rare to find it here......

Ingredients :
  • 5 eggs (Beat eggs until fluffy and set aside )

  • 150gr granulated sugar
  • 300gr potatoes, steamed and mashed

  • 150 cc coconut milk from 1 coconut, boiled and let it cool ( I changed with 100ml fresh milk + 100ml whipped cream)

  • 1tsp vanilla extract

  • 1tsp salt

  • 75gr kismis/raisin

Directions :

  1. Preheat oven at 180 C.

  2. Mix potatoes, sugar, vanilla, salt and coconut milk, stirring until the ingredients are evenly distributed and the sugar has dissolved. Pour in beaten eggs and stir well.

  3. Pour batter into a 15 cm cake tin lined with grease-proof paper and brushed with margarine. Bake around 50 minutes or until golden brown. ( halfway through the baking time, take out the cake from the oven and put kismis/raisin on top of potato cake, and continue baking ).

  4. Let it cool and put inside refrigerator if you like....LOL

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sambal Goreng Tempe Tahu

Ueanakkk tenan ..bis habis apalagi kalo ditambahin hati bisa jadi temannya opor ayam khan, cuma aku ngk sempat bikin opor (alasan sih bilang aja gua males hehehhe...soalnya repot hihihi)...

Ok dech ini resepnya ya :


  • Tempe potong dadu ( goreng setengah matang )
  • Tahu potong dadu (goreng setengah matang )
  • Hati ayam ato sapi kalo doyan potong2 sesuai selera
  • 4 siung bawang putih
  • 5 siung bawang merah
  • 2 sdm cabe merah ( cabe merah di tumbuk halus )
  • 1buah cabe merah besar buang biji iris serong (sebenarnya buat pemanis penampilan hahahahha)
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 5cm lengkuas
  • 1/2 buah tomat
  • 1 batang sere (potong dan geprak)
  • 2 lembar daun jeruk
  • 200ml santan
  • garam
  • merica bubuk
  • gula pasir/gula merah secukupnya
  • 3sdm minyak untuk menumis


  • Panaskan wajan, masukan minyak untuk menumis dan tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe iris sampai harum, masukan cabe merah halus, bersama sama daun jeruk, sere, daun salam, daun jeruk, laos dan tomat, aduk aduk cepat....
  • Masukan hati ayam/sapi...aduk sampai matang
  • Masukan tempe dan tahu
  • Tambahkan santan dan gula merah
  • Biarkan sampai air santan tinggal setengah
  • Tambahkan garam dan merica....secukupnya, jgn lupa test rasanya..udah cukup belum asin, manisnya...
  • Biarkan sampai santan berubah jadi minyak ( maksudnya santannya dan ngk kelihatan ma sekali...tinggal minyak yg kelihatan..begitu

Cumi Kuah Hitam ( squids ink sauce )

I've been waiting for the right day to cook this and I finally think this is the right day....when I'm alone, nothing much to do at home...hehehhe...
Here's the recipe for you all ( sorry in bahasa )
  • Cumi 500gr (bersihkan-hati2 tintanya mau dipakai, kalau ngk mau bisa dihilangkan)
  • lengkuas seibu jari (bersihkan) geprak
  • Jahe seibu jari (bersihkan) geprak
  • Tomat merah /ijo belah 2 buang biji
  • Cabe rawit utuh (5 biji)
  • Cabe rawit potong kecil (2 biji) -optional kalao ngk mau pedas bisa dihilangkan
  • 2 siung bawang putih iris halus
  • 3siung bawang merah iris halus
  • 2 lembar daun jeruk
  • 2 lembar daun salam
  • 1 batang serai potong dan geprak
  • kemanggi secukupnya
  • garam secukupnya
  • gula secukupnya
  • lada bubuk secukupnya
  • minyak 3 sdm untuk menumis
  • air 75ml


  • didalam wajan panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah iris dan yg utuh, sampai harum, masukkan sere, salam , daun jeruk, lengkuas, jahe , teruskan menumis, masukin tomat berbarengan ma cumi, aduk aduk sampai tinta pecah, tambah air, gula, garam, dan lada. masak sebentar. (cumi jangan dimasak kelamaan ntar dagingnya alot loe hehhehe) kalu mau pake tehnik gua...begitu air masuk masak semenit...cumi langsung aku angkat taruh dipiring, jadi yg tersisa kuah hitamnya aja...aku terusin masak di atas api kecil sampai kuah tinggal sedikit dan tuang diatas cumi.....

Banana muffin

This banana muffin or cake it just right sweetness and very moist.

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 bananas
  • 1tsp vanilla essence
  • 1tsp baking soda
  • 50ml milk
  • 1/2 cup caster sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups self raising flour
  • few drops banana essence (optional)


  • In mixing bowl, cream butter, sugar and vanilla
  • add eggs one by one and beating well
  • In another small bowl mash bananas and add in to mixture
  • Disollve soda in milk , and add flour and milk
  • Pour into greassed cake pan and bake 180C for around 45minutes or until the tester comes out clean.
  • You also can bake using muffin cups, good size for


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